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Review by Rhonda L. Davis, BS,MEd & published author

A spectacular book with raw emotion. light humor, and lots of love.

This book follows the life of Victoria Joyce and how she handles situations in her life, beginning with a tough childhood and addiction to alcohol at a very early age. After reading only the first chapter, I am already hooked. I encourage you to purchase a book!     July 31, 2016

Worthwhile Read - very thought provoking         ByKCon August 7, 2016

The author takes you on her very personal journey through life challenges. She takes pauses to reflect and to help the reader reflect. I really enjoyed the author's writing style and I look forward to reading her next book: Heart Tugs, Hugs & Few Tug of Wars

WOW I just don't know what to say.....your story is incredible. I could not put it down and wow what God has done in your life and your healing process is just amazing.  Christie Musso Bruce, Author

    C. Hetzel Sept.13, 2016 Heart Tugs, Hugs & A Few Tug of Wars

I think your book is an example to all who read it not to give up and keep pressing on. It  helps to know we are not alone.

This Christian novel is a memoir written by Victoria Joyce.
       In this novel, Victoria tells us of how she was released from the addiction of alcoholism.  She does not hold back what she shares about her personal journey because she wants others to learn from her mistakes.  She tells us about times of discouragement and depression, when she lost jobs that she thought would be life-long careers.  She also tells us of a few of her lost loves. She speaks of illnesses, diseases, and accidents that she went through that set her back in her journey.  And, I was especially inspired by the fact that, through EVERYTHING, she never lost her faith in God.  She even told us about a scary and all together exciting encounter she had where she was able to SEE God fight her battle with Satan and WIN!!
       Her stories are so personal that you will have no problem putting yourself in her shoes.  I definitely recommend this book to anyone who has been through a journey  that NO LONGER MAKES SENSE. ENJOYABLE!!

                                      8/29/16         Reviewed By Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite
       "Finding Peace When Life's Manual No Longer Makes Sense" by Victoria Joyce, is an uplifting book that will take readers on a spiritual journey along with her, including all the twists and turns which she never saw coming. The author's experiences will give strength and teach readers to walk through any trials and tribulations they face in their lives. The words are sincere, honest, and candid, and the author does not hold back anything as she shares her fears, frustrations, and confusions with readers. The book reiterates the power, presence, and love of God in our lives, and reaches out to readers, helping them heal their wounds, pain, and sorrow.
      The book is both motivational and inspirational and the author's words are deep and insightful, giving readers an opportunity to know God better. The author's evolution on her spiritual journey is an eye-opener to many readers and will make them look into their own experiences and help them evaluate themselves. The author's belief in God and her experiences with God are indeed very encouraging and will help readers focus on their life's journey and savor life's blessings and miracles.
       The tips and suggestions are easy to comprehend and apply in daily life. Victoria Joyce's journey is an inspiration and will definitely help a lot of readers on their mental, emotional, and spiritual path. Her setbacks, homelessness, financial obstacles, and betrayals, and her changing from feeling anger to acceptance are all good lessons for readers.

Pink and Black Butterfly

               Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite: 

        Heart Tugs, Hugs & A Few Tug of Wars by Victoria Joyce takes readers on an uplifting journey along with the author as she seeks God for guidance and answers. Her journey is filled with health problems, diseases, losses, and much more, and finally her tug of war to get rid of her pain to get close to God all over again. Though the author's life is not a bed of roses, readers get to see her faith and belief in God through this book, where her tremendous faith overtakes everything else that blocks her path. The author's way of reaching out to readers is refreshing and will touch hearts, minds, and souls of readers.
       The author's story is a good example of overcoming difficulties, connecting with God, and having faith in Him. Her honest account of her life is palpable and many readers can identify with what she is trying to convey. Her story will definitely touch readers in a way that will help them to make changes in their own lives.

        The narration is detailed and descriptive, making the incidents and events vivid and clear. The book will reiterate everyone's faith in God, how He never fails us, and His presence in our lives. Readers will also feel peace within, no matter what happens in their journey, once they finish reading this book. The author's story is definitely an inspiration to all readers and will make them handle their own lives and problems in a better way.

Susan,                          November 2016

I just wanted to drop you a few lines about your book, Finding Peace When Life’s Manual No Longer Makes Sense. I read your first book and from the first few pages it caught my eyes. I was seeing myself on this journey, so I kept reading the book. I got emotional on certain parts of the book because I was walking and revisiting my journey and how I had handle things. There were times I wanted to jump in the book to stop you.

This book will have you thinking, praying, and asking God, “What is it that you have me to do.” This book has helped me with the issue of my family and how they continue to fight me. “This  battle is not yours.  It’s the Lords.” This book has allowed me to look at my journey and see what God has for me. It has helped me to look at my life and understand what God is doing in my life. This book has enabled me to witness to others about their journey and what God has for us. I am in the process of reading the second book Heart Tugs, Hugs & A Few Tug of Wars and God is still performing Blessings in Susan's  life. Sis don’t give up on the third book. Your work has encouraged me and I know others.

Come on Steve Harvey, Oprah, Ellen you all can make this happen, I will love for Susan to tell her story, and it may encourage others.

God Bless My Sister    Gina Banks, Virginia 


     Mind-blowing read.      December 2016

Victoria Joyce's' work Heart Tugs, Hugs & A Few Tug of Wars promises to take readers on a journey through challenges only the faint of heart could survive. From debilitating illnesses to the heartache of  being alone, Joyce's work reads of unbelievable life experiences that many people could never imagine living through. As she delves deeper into understanding her physical limitations here on Earth, she also delves deeper into her trust and love of God. Putting all of her faith on the line to prove there is a reason for everything. Joyce's illnesses bring her closer to people she would never  have encountered and a life filled with more meaning than she could have imagined. Joyce emphasizes how important it is to live life in sacred moments with those who give your life meaning and to pass on the gift of hope whenever possible.      Jennifer Sorel, English teacher North Wilkes HS 

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